Monday, May 28, 2012

The Greatest Gaming Console Of All Time

5 Reasons The NES Is The Best System Of All Time.

1) Everyone on Earth can pick up the controller and instantly know how to play in 5 minutes or less.

2) There's a reason you can still pick up Tetris, Super Mario Brothers, or Zelda and have fun with them: Nintendo tapped into the basics of fun and perfected it with a D-Pad, Select, Start, A , and B button .

3) More than 20 years after its release and it still has an entire culture devoted to it through music, fashion, art, etc.

4) Simple to pick up and play and challenging to master. Try beating Ninja Gaiden, Mega Man, or the Original TMNT. These games were so hard I'm surprised anyone ever beat them. There was no saving. There was only try to play it all in one session or leave the system turned on which would rarely happen with parents nagging about their TV since they were the ones who bought it.

5) For some unknown reason Girls are amazing at Tetris. The inclusion of women in video games is always a good thing. Women provide a real challenge to play with and against specifically with this system more so than any other system so it's a double whammy win for Gaming that is vastly dominated by males.

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