Friday, June 15, 2012

Movie Theaters and Prometheus

I watched Prometheus in 3D last night at my local movie theater. It's a more run down of sorts kind of movie theater. The bathrooms are old, the lighting is perfect for filming a snuff film, the popcorn is old, they have a pac-man arcade cabinet, and the film was slightly out of focus. I went to watch it with my friend Ryan and we did a podcast about it afterwards. I had received from one of my other friends a Hollywood Money coupon for $10 off my movie ticket. As we were waking in and I went to get a small popcorn and soda for $10 and they told me I had free refills on the soda and popcorn we wondered, "How do they stay in business?" Then when we went into the theater to sit down it was 100% empty and we wondered again, "How do they stay in business?" Then when the screen came on and it was out of focus we wondered yet again, "How do they stay in business?" Then Ryan pointed out to me that I should be wearing my 3D glasses and that was indeed the case however, when the film finally did start it was indeed a little out of focus. Then we talked about it a little further before the movie began of how we got free Hollywood Movie Money and we only had to pay $4 difference for 3D it just begs the question, "How do they stay in business?" 5 more people ended up coming into the theater with us as it began. At the end of the movie it just felt like an anomaly as to how this theater stays open. When you have a poor looking facility, over priced concessions, amateur camera operators (who can't focus the film or start the movie on time), and smaller than average screens, it just begs the question. It really felt like as if it was a joke to be in that theater. That's why I felt compelled to share this story. Watching Prometheus and watching it in a run down movie theater was a good primer for me to contemplate how life sometimes feels like a joke. The point I took from Prometheus was that we will always have the questions, "What created us?" "Why are we here?" "Can we stop death?" "Is there life after death?" and they will never be answered. Yet here we are fully aware of it and completely stuck in it. Anyway we dive down a good ways in our podcast about this and many more topics Prometheus had to offer as well as if it was a good movie or not.

Link to podcast:

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